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Non-Discriminatory Policy: Prudentia Classical Academy admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally afforded or made available to students at the school.





Opening Prayer
















2.6. TESTS 

2.7. EXAMS
























5.1. EMAIL
















Opening Prayer

Our Father in heaven, You have granted us the opportunity to study and work at this time and within this school for our good and Your glory. In Your good providence, You have given to us able peers, competent teachers, and faithful parents to guide us in the way we should go. May we approach this good work with humility and thankfulness, having eyes to see the future work for which this prepares us. We ask that Your Spirit soften our hearts, make peaceful our souls, enliven our minds, and bolster our strength so that our studies throughout the coming year may produce good and lasting fruit for our home, Your church, and this city. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen.   





Prudentia Classical Academy stands to partner with families in classically educating children to think and act biblically, seek truth and virtue, and to pursue wisdom in joyful submission to God for His Glory.


1.2. PARENT PARTNERSHIP (In Loco Parentis)

Since Prudentia Classical Academy is not identified by the State of Louisiana as a school, it is imperative that we work closely with parents to ensure the student is properly registered as a homeschool student with the Louisiana Department of Education. Likewise, since we are a Christian institution of education, we expect and anticipate a close partnership with parents to ensure the student is maturing adequately throughout the school year. Our role as educators is in loco parentis. We hope to see parents providing emotional, spiritual, and physical leadership at home; we also hope to see parents mature in their own academic understanding, reading books alongside their student and discussing the contents of their student’s education at home, in the car, and in other non-academic settings. Parents set the framework and tone for the student’s entire education. As primary educator, it is ultimately up to the parents to train their child in the way they should go. We, as primary teachers in specific academic subjects, are happy to partner with like-minded parents to faithfully mature their student in the Lord and in the great academic disciplines set before them. 



The statement of faith adopted by Prudentia Classical Academy, its staff, and its board is limited to primary Christian doctrine.

  1. We believe the Bible alone to be the word of God, the ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice.

  2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

  3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

  4. We believe that, for the salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.

  5. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone.

  6. We believe that faith without works is dead.

  7. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

  8. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of life and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation.

  9. We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  10. We believe the chief end of man and all his efforts is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.



  1. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female. These two distinct genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen 1:26-27.) Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.

  2. We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. (Gen 2:18-25.) We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (1 Cor 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb 13:4.) We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.

  3. We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God. (Matt 15:18-20; 1 Cor 6:9-10.)

  4. We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of Prudentia Classical Academy as an institution comprised of Christian parents, students, and educators, and to provide a biblical role model to Prudentia's members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by Prudentia Classical Academy in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, agree to and abide by this Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality. (Matt 5:16; Phil 2:14-16; 1 Thess 5:22.)

  5. We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:19-21; Rom 10:9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-11.)

  6. We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31.) Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of Prudentia Classical Academy.



Prudentia Classical Academy began in August of 2020 as a hybrid Christian Classical Academy working to serve the Lake Charles community and surrounding areas. The founding members include two homeschool moms passionate about bringing the gift of classical Christian education to their community. Supported by the vision of several homeschool parents to offer their children a classical and Christian education, Prudentia hired its first five teachers in the summer of 2020 and offered its first classes during the 2020-2021 academic year. Prudentia now enters another year and continues both to fulfill and to mature its vision for being a distinctly classical and Christian resource to families in the Lake Charles area.  





Trisha Prewitt (Board President, Head of Grammar School)


Jason Rashall (Treasurer)


Gerald "JJ" Breaux (Secretary)


Korey Dugas (Member)


Cory Miller (Member)


Heather Rashall(Member,Head of School)











See Prudentia’s website for updated calendar



The school day begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 2:30 P.M., Tuesday and Thursday. Snacks are allowed during breaks. No meals are served. During this time, teachers act in loco parentis (in the place of parents), carrying the primary burden for child safety and success. Outside these hours, parents are responsible for making arrangements to ensure the child’s success, safety, and safe travel.



Grammar School courses are designed to lay a lifelong foundation for reading, writing, a love for learning, academic discipline, and spiritual maturity. For Grammar School students, this maturity in content and ability should be supported by and improved upon using other at-home curricula as parents see fit. Six grade levels, 1st-6th grade, each offering five to six classes, will be offered four days per week during this school year. The first course is a basic Art of Letters curriculum, focusing on proficiency in reading, writing, and listening. Class sessions will be divided into four segments: basics of grammar, composition and vocabulary, spelling, and penmanship. The second course is a Humanities course, which will consist of literature, history, and geography. Science class will aim for a basic delight in scientific knowledge and scientific investigation according to the frame and ability of the grade level. A wide-ranging program of memory work and recitation – ranging from geography to math facts to poetry -- is woven through all subjects.


Logic School coursework is an important part of classical Christian education: the introduction to formal and informal logic, as well as the foundation of learning to synthesize what one has learned. Students in the ‘logic years’, otherwise known as the ‘middle school years’, not only have a natural tendency to question, prod, and agitate educational and social norms, but also an opportunity to do so while being taught that all questioning and agitation should be done reasonably, respectfully, and in pursuit of good things. It is here that students begin to more independently learn the nature of working hard at one’s academics as well as the importance of abstract, dialectical thinking. This is likewise where students begin to more clearly understand the art of arguing correctly, whether with oneself, with broader cultural claims, or with the various statements with which our students daily meet in either their academic work or their personal lives. During the Logic School years, students enroll in three primary subjects: Humanities, Introductory Logic, and Art of Letters; they will also enroll in Science. For more on our curriculum options, please see our registration packet.  


Rhetoric School (9th-10th) is that stage of education when our students learn not just how to clearly and reasonably find their way through the spoken and written word, but also how to write and speak in a way that glorifies God and satisfies man. Here they continue their studies in formal and informal logic while maturing as independent learners whose level of responsibility and academic aptitude begins to bear original fruit. Students in the Rhetoric School study classical, medieval, and modern rhetoric through primary texts. They likewise continue their studies in Humanities, Art of Letters, Visual Arts, Math, Science, and Music courses. During the Rhetoric years, as debate becomes incarnational, students take further ownership of original ideas and thoughts, learning to stand on their own and defend their beliefs.



Assignments in the “Homework” category will count for 70% of a student’s overall semester grade. Prudentia Classical Academy maintains the right to issue work to be done at home, outside of the classroom, in each course it offers in accordance with the course’s academic standard and yearly curriculum. It maintains the right to assess student work done both within and outside the classroom. And it holds both work done within and outside the classroom to the same standard, unless otherwise indicated by the teacher for that particular assignment. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Parental oversight is highly encouraged. All work turned in must be the work of the student, reflecting his own mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional aptitude. Students are fully responsible for any work submitted to a teacher in connection with a course taught by Prudentia Classical Academy. The following guidelines likewise apply to each course:

  • All homework assignments (excluding papers and tests) should have a proper heading on the front page, as specified by the individual teacher. Any assignment without a name will receive an automatic score of M (see section 2.11). No name on a paper, quiz, or test is authorization for the teacher to deduct a letter grade from the final grade.

  • All homework assignments must be completed by the due date. Any assignment not completed by the due date will receive an automatic score of M, unless otherwise indicated for special circumstances.

  • A student’s work must be their own, and done in a way which shows love toward fellow students, respect to the teacher, honor to the parents, humility toward the traditions of the subject, and glory to God.

  • Homework (including essays) must be handwritten, not typed, unless otherwise indicated.

  • Homework will be given at the end of every class, and every student will write this in their self-appointed planner.   

  • At the teacher’s discretion, work turned in of a poor quality (rushed, sloppy, lacking care, improper heading, pink and sparkly ink) will be returned immediately or during the next class. The student will have until the following class to turn it in for no more than a grade of SCS.

  • Students must use blue/black ink, or pencil, and college-ruled paper.  




It is of the utmost importance that students both do their work to the best of their ability and turn that work in on time.  All assigned work is to be turned in by the determined date. All work turned in after the determined date will be counted as a zero. Work due on the date of a student’s absence will be dealt with on an individual basis. If a student is absent when an assignment is due (whether the absence is pre-approved or unexpected), the student must be proactive in contacting classmates and the teacher, eventually reaching a conclusive due date for all assignments.  


2.6. TESTS 

Assignments in the “Test” category will count for 30% of a student’s overall semester grade. (This percentage is flexible in the Grammar School). These assignments may include unit tests, quizzes, papers, or special projects. Unit tests and quizzes will be administered periodically throughout the semester. Tests constitute a larger percentage of the student’s overall grade. A student may not make up tests or quizzes during class days. If a student misses class on a test or quiz day, make-up tests and quizzes will be administered the Friday following the missed day, from 8A.M. – 12 P.M, or in the afternoon during office hours and during a time which the teacher, student, and office staff deem appropriate. It is a student’s responsibility to be proactive in communicating with the teacher to ensure his or her test or quiz is completed within the appropriate time frame. Unless otherwise indicated by the teacher, all missed quizzes and tests will count as zeros and may not be retaken after one week following the day of absence.  



2.7. EXAMS

Semester exams count for approximately 30% of a student’s yearly grade. (This percentage is flexible in the Grammar School). All final exams will be given on the pre-determined dates. Students must be present on these dates for final exams to be administered. Families must take special care not to schedule conflicting events during these dates, as all missed exams will be recorded as a zero. Please pay close attention to exam week and the dates. It becomes problematic to try to make up exams, and some exams, such as art critiques, cannot be rescheduled. Mid-term tests and exams will not be returned to students.



While Prudentia Classical Academy seeks to prepare students well for successfully taking standardized tests, it will not officially administer such tests in the 2021-2022 school year. Please see Dean for more details on testing options.



Grades are kept current by individual teachers. It is up to the parents and students to check with the students teacher for updated grades, ensuring the student is successfully completing all assignments. Semester reports are emailed at the end of each semester (Fall and Spring), and finalized assessments will conclude the school year. These assessments will include work ethic and in-class attitude. A yearly Student Academic Report will not be issued to parents.  Because students are legally homeschooled, parents will create the final transcript for their student(s) based on the final, yearly grade issued by individual teachers. This is to act as a formal transcript of the student’s academic work. Prudentia will provide a template to Rhetoric parents so they may see the “course title equivalents” to ensure all credits are being properly fulfilled.  

Parent-created transcripts should not have a Prudentia logo or Prudentia grading scale, but should show a traditional A-F grade for each class and a cumulative GPA for the year. Students and parents should look over these together, discussing the points of success and areas needing improvement. There are no traditional “report cards” given to individual students. The parent-created transcript will act as the student’s final transcript. Parents are to be fair, honest, and consistent with the course grade as communicated by Prudentia.   



Prudentia staff encourages outside help in specific academic subjects as needed. First, we encourage students to seek outside help with fellow classmates. Second, we encourage students to seek outside help from parents and course instructor. Third, we encourage students to seek outside help from secondary instructors or tutoring services. Individual Prudentia teachers will determine whether outside help in a given course will constitute additional tutor fees. This is to be determined between the parents and the teacher. 



Prudentia grading guidelines are assignment specific. General guidelines are as follows:

  • Be honest.

  • Work hard.

  • Do not plagiarize.

  • Do not cheat.

  • Help one another when appropriate.

  • No inappropriate collaboration will be allowed.


            For every applicable assignment and at the end of each semester, students are given a qualitative grade (or, as may be more appropriate, a narratival grade). Qualitative grades seek to place both correction and praise in a larger narrative of the student’s learning. They seek to create students who are not concerned with ‘letter grades’ or grades situated within a percentage, and whose ultimate satisfaction is not to compare themselves with their peers. Qualitative grades seek to create the kind of student who is concerned with learning well the subject at hand.


Qualitative grades will include one of the following Latin marks (representing a Latin phrase as indicated below), plus an evaluation form about what the student could improve, and what they did well. These Latin phrases are used to indicate the level of academic distinction in a given course. (For purposes of final transcripts, the table below illustrates how Prudentia’s qualitative grading system translates to its numerical equivalent, so as to unify our assessments with those of other academic institutions.)



















As long as a student ends the year in good standing, passing each class without any major disciplinary problems, students will be allowed to return the following school year. Students may be promoted to higher grades at the discretion of teachers and parents. Promotions which “skip grades” will be dealt with on an individual basis. 



Students who participate in a single act of plagiarism or cheating will be placed on academic probation. Academic probation includes, but is not limited to, 1) a zero on the specific assignment, 2) student accountability form and integrity clause which must be signed each subsequent week for the remainder of the semester, and 3) potential for automatic and indefinite expulsion if the same incident occurs during the remaining years of a student’s attendance at Prudentia. All academic probation cases are brought before the Prudentia board and faculty. Dismissal is at the discretion of the faculty and board, and could be enacted due to academic dishonesty or school disruption. 



Prudentia Classical Academy is not staffed to handle students with severe learning disabilities or those who have severe behavioral problems.  For their child's best interest, Prudentia will seek to work as closely with a parent of a struggling child and exhaust the resources available to us within the framework of our mission to provide an equal education for all students in the classroom. Prudentia maintains the right to forego the teaching and overseeing of a child’s education when they conclude the child cannot meet either the social or academic standards set forth by Prudentia Classical Academy.




The purpose of the Prudentia summer learning program is to amplify and enhance the previous year’s curriculum, prepare students for the coming school year, expose students to quality literature, and foster a love of reading. To those ends, students have two summer learning responsibilities: 1) read specified books throughout the summer and (for some classes) 2) commit to memory basic Latin vocabulary and Math review. When choosing books, students must read full versions of the text; abridged or fully illustrated versions are not acceptable. Summer Learning directions and assignments will be sent out at the end of the spring semester. 






As an educational extension of both local Christian churches and families, Prudentia Classical Academy takes the utmost care in providing a safe and healthy environment in which to educate its students. It seeks to form and foster biblical relationships between students, as well as to encourage and safeguard relationships between children and adults. For these reasons, Prudentia’s “Student and Teacher Protection Policy” has been created. Among other things, it seeks to protect against cruelty to others, sexual misconduct, and acts of violence. This policy is based on the assumption that teachers are responsible for the safety of students during class hours alone, acting in loco parentis (in the place of parents).

  • Students are not to leave campus unless they are with an approved adult. Students should at no time leave church property unless given clear permission by a teacher, parent, or public official acting on behalf of public safety.

  • During breaks between classes, students are to stay in designated areas. (These will be clearly explained on the first day of class.)

  • One-to-one sessions with students will be conducted in an open, public, or other place where private conversations are possible while in full view of others. Students should at no time be alone with an adult, whether church official or school affiliate. Teachers will not meet with students or parents outside of a setting and a time appropriate for a Christian teacher’s interaction with a child and/or parent.

  • In all discipline or conference scenarios in which one parent or one student is involved, teachers are to ask for third-party mediation from a fellow teacher or Prudentia board member.

  • Upon encountering a suspicious person on church property, students and Prudentia personnel are to immediately contact the proper authorities (either state official, church personnel, parent, or Prudentia personnel).

  • All Prudentia personnel are required by this policy to report known or suspected abuse of students to the appropriate state authorities.

  • Class discussion or portrayal of sexual material (from literature, history, art, Scripture, et cetera) should be done in accordance with biblical doctrine and in consistent communication with parents.

  • Physical contact between teacher and student, student and student, and teacher and parent should be in accordance with Christian principles of proper relationships as well as the laws and statutes set forth by the United States of America and the State of Louisiana. Prudentia does not practice corporal punishment with its students and in no way advocates corporal punishment between students. Home discipline is left to the discretion and wisdom of the parents in accordance with Biblical teaching. Physical force may only be used by Prudentia personnel to stop a behavior that may cause immediate harm to the individual or to a child, youth, or others.

  • There are many ways to demonstrate affection while maintaining positive and safe boundaries with students. Some examples of positive and appropriate forms of affection are listed below:

  1. Brief hugs.

  2. Pats on shoulder or back.

  3. Handshakes.

  4. ‘High-fives’ and hand slapping.

  5. Verbal praise.

  • No electronic devices are allowed during school hours or morning/afternoon carpool. This is a zero tolerance policy. See Section 3.4 on Technology.

  • Parents or guardians must complete written permission forms or give verbal permission verifiable by a third party before Prudentia personnel transport students for a school sponsored activity or for any purpose.

  • Firearms and weaponry are not permissible in a Prudentia classroom or in affiliation with Prudentia, but for educational purposes (to be communicated and approved in advance) or in accordance with the laws and statues of the United States of America and the State of Louisiana.

  • In the event of a medical emergency, Prudentia personnel will first call 911, then a parent. Afterward, we will contact all relevant parties at a time and by a method which is most appropriate for the occasion.

  • Prudentia personnel will cooperate with any investigation by state or federal authorities to the fullest extent appropriate and inform authorities that a concurrent internal investigation will be directed by Prudentia Classical Academy members, in accordance with school policy.


The violation of any of the aforementioned policies by teacher, parent, or student is grounds for discipline, removal, or legal action.



As a reflection of both Christian doctrine and biblical instruction on training our children, Prudentia maintains that it is the primary role of the parents to instruct and discipline their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Simultaneously, Prudentia also recognizes that the nature of community requires that degrees of discipline may occur outside the home. Thus, Prudentia maintains the privilege to appropriately instruct a child in both loving one’s neighbor and teaching them to joyfully obey the rules and procedures set forth in a broader society (specifically the society of a Prudentia classroom). While Prudentia does not allow corporal punishment within the realm of its classrooms by either student or teacher, it does maintain the right, acting in the place of parents while the child is within our care, to enact other discipline procedures which would most appropriately meet four criteria:


  1. Acting in accordance with a biblical standard of both conduct and speech as is appropriate for a teacher to student relationship

  2. Acting in accordance with what will most effectively teach the child the gift of repentance and beauty of reconciliation

  3. Acting in accordance with what the teacher best understands to be the parents’ desires when disciplining their child

  4. Acting in accordance with what actions and speech will best aid the actions and work of the whole group 


It is our privilege to be commissioned by the family to teach the courses we offer. And thus, it is our privilege to be commissioned by the home to uphold a biblical standard of child discipline that both affirms the role of the parents and respects the role of the teacher. In this way, we seek to maintain constant communication with parents or guardians given an occasion for any disciplinary action.  

Likewise, Prudentia maintains the right, according to the reason and wisdom of its leadership, to dismiss any child at any time, and for any amount of time, for any conduct which does not hold to the standard set forth by Prudentia Classical Academy. Student behavior requiring disciplinary action could include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Inappropriate speech

  2. Inappropriate conduct (either harmful, sexual, or altogether negligent) whether to oneself, with another student, or with property belonging to another

  3. An inability to meet the academic standard

  4. Accumulated absences

  5. Plagiarism

  6. Threats made to harm oneself or another person

  7. A consistent neglect of dress standards

  8. Inappropriate speech or conduct on the part of a family member or friend (i.e. parent, sibling, et cetera)

  9. Any action which breaks state or federal law

  10. Any conviction by a state or federal court

  11. Consistent disruption of the class, affecting the learning environment of fellow students


In the event that one of the aforementioned criteria is met (or another which was not explicitly mentioned but still could require disciplinary action), administration should consider having all students involved complete a Student Affidavit, reporting on a written document their own part of the story. Administrators and the Board will use any Student Affidavit to discern the best path forward. All Student Affidavits will be kept on file for future reference. If a student’s name is to be announced in public (either in a large or small group setting) in relationship to student discipline, the administration or teacher is encouraged to first discuss the effectiveness of this action with their superior.

Likewise, in the event that one of the aforementioned criteria is met (or another which was not explicitly mentioned but still requires disciplinary action), despite the length of attendance by the student, parents maintain responsibility to uphold their financial and parental obligations to Prudentia Classical Academy. Upon minor infractions, the following guidelines will apply to their respective schools (some minor adjustments may be made for 1st and 2nd grade):


Grammar and Logic School

First infraction : student initials on the board

Second infraction in a day: student name on the board

Two names per semester : call to parents.

Four names per semester : semester assessment will be capped for class at CH


3.3. UNIFORM POLICY (adapted for use from Logos School “2013-2014 Parent/Student Handbook”)

Our development of a uniform policy is driven by a desire to create and promote an environment of learning where dress is not a distraction to the educational process. The motivation for the policy has grown out of the following principles:


  1. Our goal is to honor God in all we do, acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our choices.


  1. All human actions, including outward manifestations such as clothing, reveal and communicate the disposition of the heart at some level. It is our desire to address these heart issues in one uniform policy rather than seeking to anticipate and curb the numerous manifestations of it that surface throughout the year with a looser dress code.


  1. Clothing represents the vocational calling of a person, and inherent in the uniform policy is a desire to create an environment where undue attention is not drawn to specific students. The neat appearance created by a uniform enhances a ready-to-learn atmosphere.


  1. Uniforms help engender a cohesive presentation of the students in our school. When our students are in uniform it communicates, aesthetically, that they are part of the same team, working toward the same goals. The student is part of a group identity that strives for excellence, and the code establishes a tradition toward that end.


  1. The uniform code should save parents money. The uniform code de-emphasizes the social impact of dress and helps focus the students on character and academic issues.


  1. The uniform code addresses security. On field trips, students in uniform aid the teachers in keeping track of everyone. On the playground or in the school, teachers and staff can clearly identify students from outsiders.


Students are expected to be in uniform while on campus unless specified otherwise by the administration. The administration is responsible for the interpretation of the policy, and the enforcement of the policy is the responsibility of parents, administration, faculty, and staff.




Lower Grammar School (1st-2nd grades)




school-indicated plaid jumper at Southern Drifter

length must come to the line at the back of the knee



white Peter Pan-collar blouse at Southern Drifter

(short sleeve)



Prudentia fleece or navy sweater

from Southern Drifter



solid white or navy socks or footed tights



dress shoes OR tennis shoes

in solid navy, black, brown, or white





dress shorts OR dress pants (khaki)

with a black, brown or navy belt



navy polo OR white oxford

(long or short sleeve)



Prudentia fleece or navy sweater from Southern Drifter



white, navy, or khaki



dress shoes OR tennis shoes

in solid navy, black, brown, or white


Upper Grammar School (3rd-6th grade) and Logic School (7th-8th grade) and Rhetoric School (9th-10th)




school-indicated plaid skirt at Southern Drifter

length must come to the line at the back of the knee



White oxford

(long or short sleeve)



Prudentia fleece or navy sweater or (sweatshirt for Logic and Rhetoric Schools)

from Southern Drifter



solid white or navy socks or footed tights




dress shoes OR tennis shoes

in solid navy, black, brown, or white






dress shorts OR dress pants  (khaki)

with a black or brown belt



Navy polo OR white oxford

(long or short sleeve)



Prudentia fleece or navy sweater or (sweatshirt for Logic and Rhetoric Schools)

from Southern Drifter



white, navy, or khaki



dress shoes OR tennis shoes

in solid navy, black, brown, or white



Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Do the girls have to tuck all shirts in, regardless of the cut? Yes, girls and boys should keep all shirts tucked in at all times. The only exception to this is the banded-bottom polo for girls, which is designed to be worn outside the waistline of the skort.

  2. My son wears his oxford and tie with the top button undone and the tie loose. Is that OK? No, it isn’t.

  3. My daughter has a pretty camisole that she wears under her blouse for modesty purposes. Should it be tucked in? Yes, it should. Camisoles and undershirts are considered undergarments and they must be out of sight.

  4. Is it permissible to wear a sweater without a blouse, oxford, or polo underneath? No, it isn’t.


  1. What kinds of leggings are acceptable? Stockings, tights, and nylons are fine. Socks, stockings, tights, and nylons must be conservative, plain, and solid colored (white, navy, gray or neutral).

Accessories & Miscellaneous:

  1. How do I know how tight is too tight for my daughter’s blouses, sweaters, and skirt? If it looks like she has been poured into them, then they are too tight. It is the duty of the girls, as Christian sisters, to dress modestly wherever they go. If a shirt or pants are pulled tight against her front or back, it’s too tight.

  2. Are Logic students allowed to wear athletic shoes? Logic students may wear conservative athletic shoes in solid black, white, or navy.

  3. How long must my son’s hair be to qualify as long hair? If a young man’s hair is touching his collar, hanging down in his face, or covering the sides of his ears it will be considered too long.

  4. What kind of jewelry is appropriate for my daughter? Small earrings on the lobe are fine. Earrings up around the top of the ear or anywhere else are inappropriate.

  5. My son says that dark no-show or low-cut socks qualify as dress socks. Is that true? No, it isn’t. Dress socks must be black, khaki, or navy and must cover the ankle.

  6. Is it OK for girls to wear colored hair accessories? As long as they match the outfit, they are fine.

  7. My son likes to wear a necklace to school. Is that OK? As long as it is not visible, that is fine.

  8. My son likes to wear orange t-shirts under his uniform shirt. Is that OK? T-shirts and camisoles must be white.

  9. My daughter likes to wear moccasins and my son likes to wear hiking boots to school. Do these qualify as dress shoes? Girls may not wear boots; boys may wear boots which match the uniform.

  10. Do brown or black tennis shoes, Sambas, or skater shoes count as “dress shoes”? No, they don’t. But conservative and dress-appropriate Sperrys suffice as dress shoes.

  11. My student runs cold. Can she wear a thermal layer under her long-sleeved blouse? Certainly, as long as it is the same color as her blouse and is not visible.

  12. Does my son need to be cleanly shaved? No, but facial hair must be well kept and not distracting

  13. Can my student wear an overcoat on cold days? Yes; overcoats may be worn outside but not inside. Outwear worn inside must adhere to the dress code outlined in the above chart.



Students are allowed to bring snacks during breaks. Occasionally, with permission from the teacher, they may eat or drink during class. Eating in class should not be expected or assumed. All snack remnants (crumbs, wrappers, and containers) must be picked up by the student and placed in the trash before leaving for the day. Healthy snacks are encouraged. Highly-sugared snacks as well as soda and ‘junk food’ are highly discouraged. Please limit sugar-loaded snacks and drinks (sodas, candies, et cetera) as these tend to bring 'highs' and 'lows' in a child's mood (sugar rushes and sugar crashes) during class time. Other than that, it's a great idea for students to have access to healthy snacks throughout the morning. Parents must provide a packed lunch for their student’s lunch break. Again, parents are highly encouraged to pack nutritious items that will fill the student and allow the remainder of the school day to be productive.Any and all allergies or dietary restrictions are the responsibility of the student and his or her parents.




No electronic devices are allowed during school hours or morning/afternoon carpool. This is a zero tolerance policy. 

Prohibited devices include cell phones, MP3 players, laptops, radios, games, etc. (High School students may have special permission to use laptops during study hall.)

Unmonitored use of these devices give students unfettered access to applications and content that can range from distracting to destructive. We urge Prudentia parents to partner with us in fostering an environment that instructs, edifies, challenges and encourages Christ-followers.

            If a student brings a cell phone or other electronic device to school, they must submit it during morning carpool to be placed in the grade-segregated Cell Phone Box or other designated drop-off point. It will be returned to the student at the end of the day. If the cell phone box is not available during morning carpool when the student arrives at school, they are not released from the responsibility to check in their electronic device. The student must immediately find an administrator and check in their device.

            If teachers observe any device in a student’s possession during school hours, they will collect it and turn it in to the administration. While Prudentia reserves the right to immediately suspend or otherwise discipline a student if individual circumstances warrant it, the following steps will typically be followed if deemed beneficial for the student and the school:

  • First offense: Device will be confiscated and the parent must retrieve it from the administration. The student will receive morning detention.

  • Second offense: Device will be confiscated until a parent meeting is held with the administration. This meeting cannot be scheduled same-day, so the device may be held for an extended period.

  • Third offense: Will be addressed as necessary through suspension or other means.

Prudentia shall not be responsible for the loss, theft, or destruction of devices brought on school property.



When it comes to conflict resolution, we encourage parents, students, and teachers to conduct themselves according to one main principle: go to the source and seek to understand before seeking to be understood. Minor conflicts should be resolved with Christian love between the two parties. Major conflicts should include a third party, preferably another teacher or board member.





Prudentia Classical Academy is being offered during this school year as a resource to homeschool families. Prudentia seeks to glorify God and serve our community by providing an academically robust Christian, classical, hybrid education option for families in Lake Charles and the surrounding cities.

We will strive to cultivate wisdom and virtue in our students, that they might know God and enjoy him forever. Beyond this, we seek to teach students to love learning for a lifetime and go on to serve neighbor well.

We will strive to educate the whole child, building virtuous character, wisdom and intellect. We are passionate about bringing the reality of Classical Christian education to our community. It is our hope that we can, by the grace of God, accomplish these goals in our students.
Our mission is to partner with families in classically educating children to think and act biblically seek truth and virtue, and to pursue wisdom in joyful submission to God for His glory.

Our students’ understanding of and appreciation for the ancient triad of truth, goodness, and beauty will be formed by intricately weaving a robust and interdisciplinary Christian worldview into each area of study.

Our admission of students and families depends on their ability and commitment to 1) work with us in the aforementioned endeavor, affirming all our policies, and 2) fulfill their financial commitment.



As long as a student ends the year in good standing, passing each class without any major disciplinary problems, students will be allowed to re-enroll the following school year. Re-enrollment begins anew each year. Enrollment fees and tuition are subject to change year to year. No previous registration or tuition payment will apply to subsequent years.  



Legal guardians, those who registered a student, are responsible for all payments, including registration, tuition, uniforms, and academic material. Any deviation from the expected payment plan should be communicated with school officials. Parents are responsible for the full tuition, even if a child voluntarily withdraws mid-year.




5.1. EMAIL

Email will be the primary mode of communication between teachers and parents. Urgent needs should be communicated via telephone calls, not texts. We highly encourage parents to consider solving problems or answering questions within their own family or alongside other families before contacting instructors or school administration. When conflict arises, we highly encourage not sending an email to solve the matter. Those in disagreement should meet in person to resolve the matter, with a third party present if best.  



In case of in-school emergencies, immediate school officials will be notified, along with parents in direct relation to the involved parties. The broader school community will be contacted as is most appropriate to the situation. The same policy will apply to out-of-school emergencies. Teachers and school administration should be made aware of any emergency that directly affects Prudentia, its mission, and its operation.  



Meetings with parents will happen on an as-needed basis. If there is something irking a parent, or if a family just wants to get to know a teacher, please contact that individual directly to set up a time to meet. If a student is treading water or starting to sink lower than is appropriate, the course instructor will contact parents directly to discuss further planning. Teachers will have office hours as is appropriate to their other commitments. Please contact specific teachers directly to set up a meeting. Meetings should accord with Christian principles of living above reproach, at a time and place where mutually edifying conduct and conversation can occur.   






Appointments will function the same as scheduled meetings. Please contact specific teachers directly to set up a meeting. Appointments should accord with Christian principles of living above reproach, at a time and place where mutually edifying conduct and conversation can occur.   



Teachers are to arrive by 7:40AM. Students are to arrive no later than 8:00AM. Upon arrival, students are to put their backpack and academic material in their first period classroom and be seated for roll. Once roll is called and the teacher dismisses the class, students are to report to the room where Promptus will be held. After completing the day’s coursework, students will be dismissed per the instructions of their last period teacher. Parents should make plans to have students picked up shortly after dismissal (12:30PM). If students arrive early or must stay late, they should not linger in inconspicuous parts of the building; they should remain in more public spaces. Parents are responsible for students who are dropped off before 7:45AM and picked up after 12:45PM.    



It is very important that students be in class and on time. There is no substitute for in-class interaction and dialogue with colleagues and teachers about a text or proposed idea. A student must not accumulate more than five absences per semester in a course. (A semester accounts for approximately 16 weeks. There are two semesters in the school year.) Punitive action will not be taken unless absences exceed five. If the number of absences per semester in a given course exceeds three, parents will be contacted. If the number of absences exceeds five, the student’s final assessment for that course is capped at CH. Every subsequent absence lowers that cap. If the number of absences exceeds eight, teachers, board members and parents will convene and discuss the future of the student’s enrollment at Prudentia.

Since Prudentia classes only meet four mornings a week, it is important that families schedule doctor appointments and other obligations (travel, leisure, etc.) during times that do not conflict with the student’s participation in class. Again, Prudentia classes are only four mornings per week, and what is lost missing these class times (i.e. lectures, class discussions, reading quizzes, notes, et cetera) is difficult to make up. We understand life sometimes plays by its own rules and we cannot control illnesses, deaths, or emergencies. But we ask that you limit absences to these categories. Please schedule family excursions, doctor appointments, and other events in cohesion with the academic calendar.

There is no distinction between kinds of absences (excused or unexcused), though special and individual cases may call for a slight variation in policy or policy enforcement, according to the discretion of school administration. All absences will be dealt with on an individual basis. Two tardies to a class constitutes one absence. The number of absences and tardies is cleared and set at zero at the end of each semester. 



If a student misses class, the student should first contact multiple classmates to get the assignments due the next class period as well as any class notes. Assignment due dates are firm due dates, unless otherwise indicated by the teacher. Any work turned in late without teacher permission will not be counted for credit. Students should consider their work at Prudentia as their current vocation, given this accounts for the majority of their education and their current education is the most important work they are called to at this time in their lives. It is also good for students to begin thinking how to organize all they have going on throughout the week and all they want to do around this primary responsibility, making sure they prioritize their time. Parents would do well to have these kinds of conversations with students throughout the school year to ensure work is turned in on time.

Likewise, in order for students to succeed at this, families must set up weekly schedules in such a way that gives students the best opportunity for success. While it is a great privilege for home educators to have flexibility with weekly schedules, it is also a great weakness when that schedule either lacks proper structure or is too congested with events. A proper balance has everything to do with keeping priorities in their proper places.

If students have questions or concerns about an assignment, absence, class discussion, et cetera, students should first contact several classmates for help before contacting the teacher. When coming to the teacher, it is important for students to take on this responsibility. As much as our teachers enjoy our students’ parents, it is important that as students mature, the student grows in the ability and confidence to take direct ownership of their work, which means informing teachers of absences, need for tutoring, et cetera. If need be, teachers will contact parents to work out anything that cannot otherwise be worked out directly with the student.

Also see “2.5 Late Work Policy” in this handbook.



For all school-related events, Prudentia will either use the King James Version or the English Standard Version of the Bible. Other versions are allowed for student use, assuming the motivation in choosing a translation of Scripture is to highlight the majesty and reliability of God’s Word and not to exhibit the latest in unorthodox translations.



Prudentia will recognize and celebrate the major Christian holidays throughout the year by not holding class. School will be closed according to those holidays on the Church calendar. However, students should expect a minimum amount of schoolwork during holidays (mostly reading), and work is to be completed before classes resume. 



Students who are in conformity with state driving laws, and who have likewise been given parental consent, may drive to school. Parking does not require any sort of special tag. Students who carpool with other students must have parental permission to do so. Parental permission is to happen between the parents of the two students. Other than special field-trips, Prudentia will not be involved with deciding transportation for students. Any damage to vehicles must be dealt with on an individual basis. Prudentia is not responsible for personal vehicles. 



Parents are responsible for providing all classroom material, especially textbooks. Textbooks are the property of the student and therefore should always be in the possession of the student. Any textbook left in the classroom after class may be confiscated and placed in the lost and found until retrieved. Textbooks must adhere to the requests of the course instructor, to be communicated before the start of the school year.   



Prayerful Support: For the glory of God and the happiness of man, we ask for all our partners and constituents to pray for our academic endeavors, that our students may be filled with all good things and that our families and teachers may lead wisely, with biblical discernment. We hope the fruit of such prayer would overflow into the building up and maturing of local churches, who are the body of Christ.  


On-Campus Support: The presence of parents on campus is a vital part of our partnership. Prudentia offers several opportunities for this such as but not limited to, front desk volunteers, classroom aides, and committee assignments.

Community Support: Classical Christian education is the kind of thing which not only changes the kind of students we create, but also the kind of societies in which we and our students live. One way to promote classical Christian education is by actively engaging in what is often called 'first principle discussions', particularly the kind which center on the topic of education. What is an educated person? What are non-negotiables when it comes to a Christian education? What does it mean to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? What is the most biblical form of education? Why is tradition something that we should not so quickly rid ourselves of? How is it that truth, goodness, and beauty can be recognized by, fostered within, and enriched among a community? What is the end, or purpose, of learning? Not only will conversations about such topics create the possibility of important movements in good directions, but seeking the answers to such questions will also promote healthy dialogue and even perhaps accurate answers. Then spend even longer diving into those resources with friends and family.   

Financial Support:  Tuition covers 80-100% of the cost of educating a student at Prudentia. We do, therefore, accept regular gift assistance to further fund Prudentia. Your help in any way would be greatly appreciated! If you are interested in donating either financially or in other ways, please contact us at your earliest convenience. 

Academic Support: As an organization which prizes collaboration, we look for opportunities to have visiting teachers who meet and support our mission and vision. If you are a professor, teacher, artist, or professional who has an interest in providing a formal lecture on a given topic, please contact us and we will look for an opportunity to host you. Likewise, if you have academic material (books, CDs, DVDs, or school supplies) which you believe could benefit our mission, vision, and practice please let us know and we would be happy to consider your donation. 



All outside events, except school-related field trips, are grass-roots efforts, including events outside class hours (8:00AM-12:30PM, Monday thru Thursday). We encourage parents to organize these, and we encourage students to attend, though they are optional. Outside events, including field trips, in which Prudentia students participate should adhere to Prudentia’s mission and vision. Any misconduct by a Prudentia student at outside events will be dealt with on an individual basis and in accordance with Prudentia’s discipline policy.    

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Summa Cum Laude

Cum Laude

Summa Cum Honore

Cum Honore

Minimo Cum Honore

Summa Cum Sufficientia

Cum Sufficientia

Minima Cum Sufficientia

Cum Dificientia




With Greatest Praise

With Praise

With Greatest Honor

With Honor

With Lesser Honor

With Greatest Adequacy

With Adequacy

With Lesser Adequacy

With Deficiency

Not Adequate













Num. Equiv.












GPA Range












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